Museum is All Dolled Up!!
EDWARDSBURG—Antique dolls, Cabbage Patch dolls, a Raggedy Ann doll, dolls with porcelain faces, and miniatures with glass faces. All of these—at least 30—are on display as Edwardsburg Area Historical Museum presents its last display of the 2019 season, “All Dolled Up for Christmas.”

The display opened Wed., Nov. 6, and runs through Dec. 14 when the museum closes until spring.
It was mounted by Museum Director Sally Dalrymple and museum members Judy Montgomery and Laura Jamrog.
The dolls are being loaned by many residents of the Edwardsburg area and six are dressed in outfits sewn by Montgomery. Two of the six are in nightgowns with three others in dresses and the final one in a green coat and hat with white fur.
Many of the dolls are old and at least three are collectibles made in Germany. Most are displayed in the museum’s middle room, which is often called ‘the old house’ because it is a main part of the original structure. Others are featured in the school room, which also includes exhibits focused on growing up in Edwardsburg.

The museum’s main gallery is highlighted by a 10-foot Christmas tree that was first displayed in 2018. It is decorated with the museum’s collection of red and gold ornaments. . A new four-foot tree also is being shown off in the museum’s main picture window, adorned with ribbons and vintage ornaments.

The museum is open from 1 to 4 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays, and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Saturdays.